The Lord has complete control over our lives, including even being able to raise us from the dead. In this passage, Jesus clearly demonstrates that He is God by raising Lazarus from the dead. This is a beautiful picture of the resurrection that all believers will ultimately experience the power of God. As our Lord says, he who believes in Him will live, even if he dies. It is in this sense that when Jesus says when the Son sets you free, you are free indeed John Like Lazarus, we have a resurrection to which we can look forward.
We will lose this mortal, perishable body and put on an immortal, imperishable body. This will happen because death has been conquered by our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ. You are so right my friend. We do have that passion for the lost and have written more on evangelism that just about anything at all. Just out thought. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail.
Subscribe me to your newsletter. A Christian Study. All Rights Reserved. Sitemap Privacy Policy Disclaimer Advertise. Amen Reply. Please subscribe me to your newsletter Reply. Thank you my friend. I have subscribed you to our email list. Thank you for asking. I like your content please inscribed me Reply. I have subscribed you sir. Thank you Tom. Cancel reply Leave a Comment. What Is Speaking In Tongues? What Is the Rapture? What does the devil look like? Miscellaneous tissues decay- normal bacteria invade dead tissue-?
A dirty wound occurs after 24 hours. The appearance of the body. Lazarus would have appeared to the witnesses as follows:. Buttocks if died on back -Cyanosis- blueness of areas normally pink due to prominent blood flow- ex blue lips and nail beds. The appearance of organs when dead. Pupils fixed and dilated. Lazarus was dead , decomposing for four days, and raised from the dead to live another day. So Lazarus was dead. We know this because many witnessed his death.
In addition, he was entombed and placed in grave clothes, something never done in the case of maybe dead. We know as well that he lay in this state for four days. His death at four days would have been accompanied by tremendous cellular death, decomposition, and a horrible stench.
Lazarus was raised then from irreversible death. There were many witnesses to this including Jewish Pharisees, educated knowledgeable men; some believed in Jesus because of this event.
In addition, Lazarus appears at a later time in the New Testament. Then Jesus six days before the Passover came to Bethany, where Lazarus was which had been dead, whom he raised from the dead. John Lazarus then is a man who died of a progressive illness such as sepsis. He was dead as witnessed by many and entombed for four days. Decomposition changes were expected by all including educated me, but Lazarus lived. Lazarus was alive in later chapters of the book of the Apostle John.
Being a Physician, I may sometimes look at the bible in a clinical manner. However, the story of Lazarus shows documented awesome power of the man from Galilee, Jesus Christ. Posted 22nd February by SPages. All Posts.
William Lynes.