You can even make over an existing scratching post or kitty condo by covering the shredded carpet remains for a like-new cat scratcher.
Elle Di Jensen has been a writer and editor since She began working in the fitness industry in , and her experience includes editing and publishing a workout manual. She has an extended family of pets, including special needs animals.
Jensen attended Idaho and Boise State Universities. Her work has appeared in various print and online publications. Cat Food and Supplies. The fibers are taken from the leaves and then dried and packed. The main exporters of sisal fibers are in South America and Africa. The sisal you are familiar with is made into a thick rope that is used to wrap around posts of cat condos and trees. Some companies will coat the sisal with oil making it toxic for cats, so be sure that your cat trees are all natural!
Contacting the condo company should provide answers for you. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Learn more. Many cat parents purchase scratching posts for their feline friends. Not only do scratching posts dissuade cats from clawing at the couch, but it also helps them to preen their paws and stretch out their muscles.
Rope scratching posts are excellent options for cats. Not only are they durable, but they allow kitties to really work their claws. But what is the best type of rope scratching post to buy? The answer is sisal rope. This non-toxic, natural material lasts for years, is affordable, and cats simply adore it.
Sisal is crafted from stiff, natural fibers that come from the aloe plant. It might not be a pretty sight. The cleanup can be a total nightmare. Last on our list is carpet. Fortunately, carpet comes in different styles, textures, colors, and sizes. You have a lot of choices with this one that it may be hard to decide which one to go with. You can also easily attach the carpet to different surfaces. The downside is it is not known as long-lasting.
Overall, knowing what kind of rope for cat scratching post is important. The popular choice for cat owners will always be sisal rope. You can stick with the tried and tested material, but at the same time, you can also experiment with the alternatives.
Whatever you choose, the significant thing is that it appeals to your cat. You may need to do some trial and error before you find the right material and that is okay. It takes a lot of patience to find the one that works best. Ultimately, remember that happy cats equate to happy pet owners too. Cats are a lot of fun no doubt, but if they are not kept busy, they can do some serious damage to your home.
If you are into repairing old scratching posts for your cats or even making your own, the SGT Knots Twisted Sisal Rope is a really good option to go with. Here you get a total of 50 feet of rope for a very low price, but just because it is inexpensive does not mean that it is any less durable or effective than a more expensive option. Shop on Amazon. In other words, it has not been treated with any harsh oils, chemicals, or other substances which may harm your cat or the environment around it.
Being environmentally friendly and non-toxic is a very big deal here. On a side note, this does come in various lengths and widths, depending on what your needs are. This sisal rope is also great for claws because it helps file them down and to keep them sharp. The only downside here is that the stiffness and hardness of this makes it a little hard to work with and tie down.
Here you actually get a full feet of it for the same price as the foot long rope we just reviewed above, making it a super cost-effective option to keep in mind. Buy on Amazon. For one, the T. At the same time, there are no harsh oils, chemicals, or other such toxins used to make this rope. Making it totally safe for your cats to scratch and chew on all day. Buying products that are eco-friendly and animal safe is quite important after all. Keep in mind that T.
On one hand, this does mean that it should last a bit longer and that your cat can scratch it a whole lot before it needs replacing again. On the other hand, being so thick means that it is a little hard to work with when you are actually trying to put in on the cat post.
Now, also keep in mind that this stuff frays pretty bad and once it wears down, it will make quite the mess in your home. Another good option to go with, West Coast Paracord Premium Sisal Rope works great for cat scratching posts, plus it is perfectly fine for many other purposes too.
Here you get a full feet of it for a very low price.