Why was bender in detention

Early life. Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search. Press ESC to cancel. Ben Davis May 31, Why did everyone get detention in The Breakfast Club?

What was the first word uttered by Allison in The Breakfast Club? What does Allison eat in The Breakfast Club? Five high school students, each with a stereotypical connotation, are forced to spend a Saturday together in detention.

Carl is first seen in the opening sequence. Brian probably knew the janitor from staying after school so often since he took part in a bunch of clubs and whatnot. Skip to content Popular. April 25, Joe Ford. BRY2K 14 year member replies Answer has 6 votes. Currently voted the best answer. Smokeylicious Answer has 4 votes.

Smokeylicious 15 year member replies Answer has 4 votes. Claire Standish - Molly Ringwald - Skipping school to go shopping at a mall Andrew Clark - Emilio Estevez - Taping a fellow student's Larry Lester's buttocks together Brian Johnson - Anthony Michael Hall - Bringing a flare gun to school in a parasuicidal gesture that accidentally discharged in his locker, causing minor property damage John Bender - Judd Nelson - Pulling the fire alarm.

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