Aquarium how much food

Just spend the time to watch them eat every week or two and make sure that there is no food left over after a few minutes. Another way to look at it, is that most fish only have stomachs as large as they eyeballs. Not only will uneaten food start to decay and foul the water, but the fishes increased waste production can send the water parameters completely out of whack. If there is too much waste for the filter or more accurately, beneficial bacteria to handle, you could start to see spikes in ammonia and nitrites — both of which can kill your fish.

What to Feed. So now that you know how much to feed your fish, the next question is what to feed them? The foods for fish can really be broken down into four groups — commercial food, frozen food, live food and vegetables. In order to keep your fish healthy and their colors at their peak, you should feed all four groups to them. Of course this is generalizing, and some fish will only eat live food, while others need a diet rich in vegetables.

But for the average fish, their diet should be comprised of daily offerings of a high quality flake food, with regular feedings of live or frozen foods, and the occasional small serving of vegetables. Commercial Food — This should be the main staple that you feed to your fish, and you should always ensure that you purchase only high quality fish foods.

In the past there were many absolutely terrible fish foods, but most of the ones from larger companies Tetra, Wardley, Newlife Spectrum all make decent choices for your fish now. I personally use New Life Spectrum Food , and have had great success with a variety of fish.

Live Food — Live foods are by far the best foods that you can feed to your fish, and any fish that are fed live foods regularly, will in most cases be healthier and have brighter colors. When looking at rows and rows of fish foods at the pet store, it becomes clear that not all fish eat the same thing. The ingredients in betta fish food versus goldfish food can be quite different. Other considerations also include the price of the food and quality of ingredients.

Most people think of fish foods as flakes, pellets, and wafers, but you can also feed frozen, freeze-dried, gel, or live foods to provide more nutritional variety for your fish. Most fish are fine with being fed once a day, but you can also choose to feed them two smaller meals a day for more enjoyment.

When is the best time to feed fish? Most fish are awake during the daytime, so pick a fish feeding time that is at least 10 to 15 minutes after the aquarium light turns on.

That way everyone is awake, alert, and ready to eat. However, if you have nocturnal species like kuhli loaches or plecos, make sure to feed them after the aquarium lights have turned off for the day. Since the other fish are less active in the dark, this extra nighttime feeding gives them a better chance of getting enough food. Nocturnal creatures like kuhli loaches may be too shy to come out and eat in the daytime, so make sure to provide some extra food when the lights are off.

Is fasting good for fish? As mentioned before, it depends on the fish. In fact, large predatory fish may only need to eat a few times a week. Nano fish and baby fry, on the other hand, have smaller stomachs and generally need to eat more frequently. The reason that opinions vary so greatly is because some animals are fast eaters and others are very slow. Even individuals of the same species can have different feeding behaviors. A better way to judge the appropriate portion size for your fish is by observing the roundness of their bellies from both the top and side views.

In the same way, you should aim to feed your fish until they have a slightly rotund abdomen. Of course, this may be difficult to determine with naturally round animals, like certain goldfish and balloon mollies, so look online to find pictures of healthy fish as a reference point.

Some hobbyists even fast their fish one or two days a week to allow them to clear their digestive systems. Larger, more sedentary fish can go longer between meals than smaller, more active fish. Herbivores forage throughout the day, so they should be fed more frequently, however, only small quantities at a time. Small active fish like danios and newly hatched fry have higher metabolic rates and should be fed frequently, especially when kept at warmer temperatures. Water temperature regulates fishes' metabolisms and influences how often and how much they need to be fed.

In nature, most fish feed in the early morning and at dusk. Exceptions are herbivores and omnivores that forage throughout the day, and nocturnal species. Although aquarium fish can be fed at any time of day, morning and evening feedings are best.

They quickly learn when "feeding time" is, eagerly swimming back and forth at the surface or emerging from hiding places in anticipation of their next meal. Make sure the aquarium light has been on for at least 30 minutes before the morning feeding and leave it on for at least 30 minutes after the evening feeding.

Nocturnal species such as knifefish, catfish and certain plecostomus can be fed sinking foods shortly after the aquarium light is turned off at night. The term "overfeeding" means feeding more food than your fish needs or wants to eat in one feeding. Even hobbyists who only feed once a day or every other day can be guilty of overfeeding if the food is not completely consumed in less than 2 or 3 minutes. Here are some tell-tale signs of overfeeding:. Providing your fish with the right diet and feeding schedule will ensure growth, disease resistance, vibrant colors, and long, healthy lives.

Read More. Here are some tips to help provide the best possible feeding program for your fish: Herbivorous fish tend to forage throughout the day because it takes a lot more plant material to satisfy their nutritional needs than the amount of meat protein for carnivores.

Another consideration is what part of the water column your fish feed in. Fish can be: Surface feeders Bottom feeders Most fish will learn to take food wherever it's available, but shy fish may wait until food drifts into their "safe zone".

What Are the Signs of Overfeeding Fish? Here are some tell-tale signs of overfeeding: Uneaten food remains in the aquarium after 5 minutes, but the fish show no interest in it.

In extreme cases, a fuzzy or cottony white fungus may begin to grow on the bottom or on decorations and plants.


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