Asoiaf which character are you

Lots of food and music and rumpy pumpy. There was a wedding? There's a huge fight and people get hurt. You get food poisoning. You have to go to an important meeting, what do you take? Your chains, they're going to lock you up - Again. Your minions, they follow you everywhere. A sword, no two swords and a dagger or three.

Some booze; and your wily brains. Your smile, you need nothing else. A close friend and oodles of charm. It's your day off, what are you doing?

Getting drunk or already insensate. Being your usual charming self and looking after those less fortunate. Wafting about the place like you own it; oh you do. Meeting new people, learning a new language.

Playing with your sister. You need to get to somewhere, how do you get there? Eventually, there are people to see, things to do before you get to where you're going. With pomp and ceremony. People need to see me. Hidden in the back of a wagon, under a rug. And walk Hopping over the Wall.

Where do you want to be in ten years time? Ruler of all I survey. Not dead! Free from my enemies. Faces at the March on Washington by david6k History 6m.

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Martin Or Just Made Up? Tolkien 3 Books by J. Score Distribution. I'm pretty good. Considerate of others? I try to be. People say I'm not. Willing to co-operate? Obedience was never my strong suit. Deprived of what you deserve? I'm not deprived. Willing to learn? Agree Strongly Disagree Good with people? Like to Travel? Yes Not much Regarding money: I try to be generous. It is important, why give it away? Willing to do justice?

That's for suckers Yes Admired as a youth? Is romance with someone older than you appealing? Like nice clothes? Yes Not Really. Tend to bear grudges? Pretty much No Scruffy lookin'? Kinda No Care about Reputation?


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