The auction is closed and the realisation of what a fool he is suddenly hits him. Elisa did warn him about ten times though, it has to be made clear. The best thing about this promotion though was what happened afterwards. And he still did it after the promotion ended, and even after Elisa had left, and it made me laugh every time. You should know by now that a long time ago I used to enjoy watching Peter Simon on Bid TV, not necessarily because I wanted to buy anything, but because he could be somewhat unpredictable and his suddenly going off-message could be rather amusing.
And this is one of those moments where it really did seem like no-one knew what was going to happen next. I was interested though in seeing how Peter would deal with falling prices. And I was playing with a little Labrador Wednesday. And the garden gnome fell in the pond Thursday. I nearly went in after it. Then somebody said you had to do mouth-to-mouth, I went hrrf, no.
Then, as the price fell further, Peter became even more surprised. Well give it a few years…. You should know by now that Bid-Up was one of my favourite TV channels to watch when it came to Freeview in January I never bought anything, I just found it really entertaining.
There were a lot of format changes over the years though, as producing 17 hours of live TV every day had to be kept fresh, and in , around the time the studio changed to a rather bright orange colour, a lot of presenters left to join a channel called Auctionworld. The Auctionworld channel was never on Freeview, but it did attract some media attention when it was heavily fined by the regulator, and it closed down shortly afterwards.
Then in another interactive shopping channel launched called iBuy. Again, Adam Freeman was among the lineup of presenters, it seems that they were trying to put the fun back into shopping TV that had supposedly gone from Bid-Up although I still enjoyed it. I thought that I would take a look at some of the clips of iBuy on YouTube that have been uploaded by various shopping TV fansites, and I do have to say that it does seem that there were a lot of amusing moments.
There were also some rather familiar features such as informing us when there was limited stock with lots of irritating noises, special clearances and sales, items going down to a pound, and so on. Because of this, I started to think that this channel actually did look rather fun.
A couple of years on, in Adam announced his departure, and iBuy left the screen shortly afterwards, seemingly unable to compete with the more established channels in the marketplace.
Adam then went off to the other side of the Atlantic to host on a shopping channel in America picking up the accent along the way , and over a decade later, it seems that he is still working over there and has done rather well for himself.
I know I am still going on about Bid TV almost five years after it closed down now, but this month is also the 18th anniversary of the launch, so I thought that I would take a look back at yet another memorable moment that made this channel worth watching for me. By its very nature Bid TV had to be a live channel, this meant that there was the potential for things to often go wrong, and this would be dealt with in various ways.
Sometimes the phonelines would go down, or the graphics would fail, meaning nothing could be sold. And in later years, they would just keep the presenter live on air, and I remember some having to fill for about 30 or 40 minutes and simply keep talking while things were sorted out behind the scenes. There was another way that Bid TV would have technical problems, but this time it would be beyond their control.
On about three or four occasions they had a major powercut, which not only took all their channels off the air, but also made the website go down too. You can imagine just how frustrating this must have been for them, and the presenters probably had to stand there in the dark studio wondering if they would ever get back on air before the end of the night.
When they did eventually return though, which sometimes could take up to three or four hours, it would be worth watching simply because it would be total chaos, and they would have to wait for all of the technology to be ready and working again, so there would be the wrong graphics on the screen, sound faults, lights going out, random cuts to colour bars, and most of the time the presenters seemingly had no idea what item was coming next because the schedule was all over the place.
I have done a few pieces where I have written about an interesting idea in TV which is then taken to its extreme, and I suppose that this is another example of that. If I was the high bidder and I am unable to pick up my item, what are my options? You must pick up your items within 24 hours of your confirmation call. Buyers that pick up their items within 24 hours will receive a Whataburger coupon good for one free Whataburger. If the company is no longer in business at the time you use your certificate or the item is not exactly what you thought it was, please consider your purchase a donation to South Texas Public Broadcasting Systems, Inc.
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Get the very latest news and insight from Campaign with unrestricted access to campaignlive. The two films will run across 32 Sky channels and will be supported by a radio campaign for what is claimed to be the world's first online auction channel. The channel aims to exploit a market created by shopping channels such as QVC, which regularly attracts a million viewers. This is like gambling but without the risk. The result provoked Simon Frank, Conquest's creative director, to accuse the client of abusing the pitch process.
The commercials were produced by Alan Jarvie, the Immediate Sales creative director, and directed by Athletico through Films. Stay signed in.